Blue Orchid Florist, Your Local Saint Clair Florist

Featured Floral Arrangements

Flower delivery in Saint Clair

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Blue Orchid Florist
67365 S Main St
Richmond, MI 48062
Leave a Review
Tim sTim s
2 months ago
Best place to get you’re flowers the people running it are just lovely. Definitely recommend this place.
Anne SchoenherrAnne Schoenherr
3 months ago
Absolutely phenonmenal. Melissa was wonderfully kind, patient, and compassionate when working with us to design flowers for a funeral. She was willing and able to accomodate unique requests and had beautiful arrangements. Her artistry is worth the call!
Kathy StewartKathy Stewart
3 months ago
I used to live in Richmond and use the Blue orchid florist regularly. I now live in Florida and haven't used them in a while but reached out to send something to Kaatz funeral home. They were quick efficient and I was very happy with the item they sent.
Kathy GoodwinKathy Goodwin
4 months ago
I ordered a bouquet of flowers for my daughter's 40th Birthday. She sent me a picture of the bouquet (I live out of town) and it was very pretty! Thank you so much for your kindness and help. Kathy
Erika PeytonErika Peyton
4 months ago
I just popped in there today to get something, and the friendly lady working there asked if I want these roses for free! What a kind welcome! I’ll be back. 🤗🤍🤍
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